Anita van Rossum & Jojo Mehta

speaking on the work of Polly Higgins

Interview Topic:

Dare to be Great!

This interview will air on November 15th at 9 am EST / 2pm UK


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Anita first discovered the work of Polly Higgins, the Earth lawyer as she was widely known, in 2014. Her stepping down from a lucrative successful legal career to find a way to defend and protect the Earth, moved and inspired Anita greatly. She decided to move to where Polly was based and to offer help in whatever way she could. Anita says it has been one of the great privileges her life to have worked beside Polly for the last years until her untimely and sad passing in April this year.

Polly's legacy work to bring in the Law of ecocide continues apace with a team of dedicated people all bringing their skills and passion. We are the Earth Protectors, the movement Polly founded, to stop ecocide and change the law: in Polly's words "to turn the planetary ship around"

Learn more about Earth Protectors here


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