Camilla Blossom Bishop

Interview Topic:

Elemental Healing with Mermaids,

Dragons, Gnomes & Faeries

This interview will air on November 16th at 9 am EST and 2pm UK



Camilla Blossom Bishop is an earth alchemist, intuitive educator, and elemental medicine woman. She is passionate about sharing her magical stories and opening others to co-creative relationship with Mother Earth and the elementals, faeries, devic realms, land spirits, ancestors, and wisdom keepers. Camilla is a pioneering flower essence alchemist, author, land healer, and founder of Earth School in the pacific northwest, USA, and online.

Learn more about Camilla here


This interview is no

longer available. :-(

If you would like to purchase

the downloadable video and

audio package of 18 speakers

in the conference, please

click here.

Camilla’s free gift to you:

Delight in opening to the energy of the elements and the elemental beings that create our beautiful world. Learn the magic chant to call them in and then meet your own elemental spirit helper of Water, Air, Fire, and Earth. This chant and guided meditation is an energetic transmission from Mother Earth to help you connect more deeply in co-creative relationship with Nature. Let your body receive the healing and transformation. Let the earth and elementals receive your loving prayers: a 19-minutes audio mp3 download

Click here to access Camilla’s free gift!


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