Cristina Bevir

Interview Topic:

Stillness in the Eye of The Storm - How to

Stay Sane When Everything Around You

is Falling Apart

This interview will air on November 14th at 9 am EST / 2pm UK



Cristina Bevir is the creatrix of Sacred Embodiment – The Method, a super-high vibrational energy clearing process. With more than thirty years of energy healing studies, she works with people to awaken their Lightbody to Universal levels and beyond so they can quickly reach their highest spiritual potential.

Learn more about Cristina here


This interview is no

longer available. :-(

If you would like to purchase

the downloadable video and

audio package of 18 speakers

in the conference, please

click here.

Cristina’s free gift to you:

STILLNESS IN THE EYE OF THE STORM: A special invocation that will help you get back to neutral any time you are triggered.

Click here to access Cristina’s free gift!


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