Jocelyn Mercado

Interview Topic:

Conquering Fear

for Rapid Personal Evolution

This interview will air on November 13th at 9 am EST / UK



Jocelyn Mercado is a spiritual guide for the modern world, transformational life & business coach, holistic health consultant, writer, and environmentalist. She has been a student & practitioner of indigenous wisdom and earth-based spirituality for more than 9 years. Prior to that, she worked in Finance & Business for over 15 years, so she has a uniquely balanced right brain / left brain approach. Jocelyn created Sacred Planet to support people in a process of un-learning the rules & regulations of modern mainstream society which no longer serve our highest good, so that we can reconnect with nature, with joy, and with the TRUTHS that we hold deep within our hearts.

Learn more about Sacred Planet here


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longer available. :-(

If you would like to purchase

the downloadable video and

audio package of 18 speakers

in the conference, please

click here.

Jocelyn’s free gift to you:

A 4-week intensive deep dive to help you leave fear behind and truly embody the future you wish to create.

Click here to access Jocelyn’s free gift!


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