Dr John Ryan

Interview Topic:

Planetary Ascension & Human Healing:

What on Earth is Going on?

This interview will air on November 14th at 9 am EST / 2 pm UK



Dr. John Ryan is a Board Certified MD, Professor of Medicine and long time student and practitioner of Energy & Consciousness based Medicine. He is the author of Unity Field Healing Vol 1 – Foundations of Energy Medicine and Quantum Healing. This book is a holistic primer designed to bring to the reader a panoramic understanding of the awakening power of spiritual, consciousness and energy based healing – and serve as a practical & personal tool to deeply integrate this new human potential. He is also the founder of Unity Field Healing. UFH is a new “quantum” healing process founded by Dr. Ryan, based on conscious activation of the DNA quantum field to support healing and personal evolution.

Learn more about Dr John Ryan here & UFH here


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longer available. :-(

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the downloadable video and

audio package of 18 speakers

in the conference, please

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Dr. Ryan’s free gift to you:

Three lucky members of the audience will be chosen to receive the full free UFH Healing Audio Program

Click here to access Dr. Ryan’s free gift!


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