Kedar Brown

Interview Topic:

Looking for Home:

Spirals of Memory and Belonging

This interview will air on November 13th at 9 am EST / 2 pm UK



Kedar Brown is an internationally known ceremonialist and cowry shell diviner; a healer, intuitive and teacher of psychological and spiritual awareness with over thirty-five years of professional experience. Over this time Kedar has developed an effective and unique approach to emotional and spiritual healing by braiding together his depth of clinical knowledge of experiential psychotherapies with more nature based, indigenous wisdom teachings and ritual healing methods from around the world.

Learn more about Kedar here


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When you sign up for my newsletter you will receive my free audio drumming story of the initiatory journey. Your name will also be entered into a drawing in which three people will be chosen to receive a free 30-minute cowry shell divination.

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