Rose De Dan

Interview Topic:

A Wild Way to Heal

This interview will air on November 16th at 9 am EST / 2pm UK



Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing, has been helping animals and people since 1996 through Reiki/shamanic energy healing and animal communication. A pioneer in her field, she says the animals taught her a wild way to heal—a way to rebuild the connections between people and animals so that they could co-create a sustainable future. Rose spreads the messages and teachings of the animals through her writing, sessions, classes and unique events where animals participate as teachers and healers.

Learn more about Rose De Dan here and learn more about the beautiful and very moving Ceremony with the Lions here


This interview is no

longer available. :-(

If you would like to purchase

the downloadable video and

audio package of 18 speakers

in the conference, please

click here.

Rose De Dan’s free gift to you:

"Two Dogs" from Rose De Dan's book Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism is a true story of compassion and animal communication, one that clearly shows that communication from the heart is possible between people and animals.

Click here to access Rose De Dan’s free gift!


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