Tayria Ward

Interview Topic:

Reclaiming Your Indigenous Mind

This interview will air on November 13th at 9 am EST / 2 pm UK



Tayria Ward, Ph.D. has worked intensively with her own and other peoples’ dreams for more than 40 years, and for nearly 20 years has been an avid student of indigenous ways of knowing and being. In 2004, she established Bridging Worlds, a center for working with individuals and groups to bridge the waking mind with the dreaming mind, the domesticated self with the indigenous self, culture with nature, the visible with the invisible, the conscious with the unconscious. Presently she has a private practice specializing in dream analysis in Asheville, North Carolina, where she works with clients in person, by Zoom, Skype or by telephone.

Learn more about Tayria here


This interview is no

longer available. :-(

If you would like to purchase

the downloadable video and

audio package of 18 speakers

in the conference, please

click here.

Tayria’s free gift to you:

Attend a monthly Global Dream Symposium where you can share your own dreams and listen to those of others to discover what the collective Dreaming Mind is offering to each of us in terms of wisdom and guidance

Click here to access Tayria’s free gift!


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